Minggu, 05 Juli 2020

Catatan Tentang QoS dan golongan prioritas koneksi internet: Atur Kecepatan Modem ZTE F609 SSID1 lambat- SSID2 Cepat. Speedy Telkom

 Tipe Setting Priority
 QoS Setting Defaults for Voice (Highest) 7
 QoS Setting Defaults for Video 6
 QoS Setting Defaults for Best Effort 5
 QoS Setting Defaults for Background (Lowest) 1

QoS Settings: High Priority TCP Application

Client policy includes preset Quality of Service (QoS) values for certain types of traffic. Use this procedure to create a rule that sets the QoS parameters for a high priority TCP application.

Setting quality of service parameters for High Priority TCP Application
1. In the Mobility console, go to Policy > Policy Management > Rules.
2. Click New and give the rule a name.
3. On the Actions tab, select Set quality of service parameters for application(s), and then click the parameters link in the Policy rule definition area.
4. In the Edit Quality of Service (QoS) dialog box, select High Priority TCP Application in the Load QoS settings for drop-down list. Click Details in the Edit Quality of Service (QoS) dialog box to view these options, which are explained below.

If you want to create a customized set of parameters, select Custom instead

Aplikasi sudah saya coba sendiri: internet rumah saya buat dual SSID. SSID1 untuk kecepatan biasa priority 1 dan SSID2 (saya hidden) kecepatan full (video) priority di set ke 7. Jadinya saya bisa pakai cepat yang lain lambat. Siip

SOURCE: http://help.netmotionsoftware.com/support/docs/mobilityxg/1100/help/mobilityhelp.htm#page/Mobility%2520Server%2Fpolicy.08.42.html%23

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