Jumat, 11 Januari 2013


Tucuxi adalah nama yang dipakai untuk mobil listril Dahlan Iskan. Apa itu tucuxi, silahkan kita telusuri tentang ini:
Sumber wiki:
The tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis), alternately bufeo gris or bufeo negro (both in Peru) is a dolphin found in the rivers of the Amazon Basin. The word tucuxi is derived from the Tupi language word tuchuchi-ana, and has now been adopted as the species' common name. Despite being found in geographic locations similar to those of 'true' river dolphins, such as the boto, the tucuxi is not closely related to them genetically. Instead, it is classed in the oceanic dolphin family (Delphinidae). Physically, the species, particularly the marine variety, resembles the bottlenose dolphin. However, this species is sufficiently different from the bottlenose dolphin that it is given its own genus, Sotalia. Animals formerly called the tucuxi occurring in coastal and estuarine environments have recently been recognized as a distinct species, the costero (Sotalia guianensis), also known as the pink dolphin.

1 komentar:

Jefry mengatakan...

harganya kira2 berapa ya ? moga2 pas dikantong kita semua..

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